Fullstack Intern @ Singify (Philips Hue)
Published at Jul 1, 2024
For 6 months I was a Fullstack Engineering intern @ Signify working at the Philips Hue Data team. My primary focus was migrating a internal custom data analytics tool from Vue 2 to Vue 3. Due to the singificant version differences between the framework versions and other tools used I rewrote the frontend from scratch. Additionally I proposed and worked on adapting the existing backend to a more modern event driven architecture, which included setting up a custom AWS infrastructure using Terraform, in addition to working with various AWS services, including but not limited to AWS WebSocekts API, SNS, DynamoDB, AWS Lambda functions.
Started and worked on a significant portion of the frontend rewrite from Vue 2 to Vue 3
Used Vue 3, Pinia, Vite, and Vite test to create a modern and responsive frontend
Created an OpenAPI spec which I used to generate a fully typed API client using openapi-ts and openapi-fetch
Used d3js and Observable Plot for complex and responsive data visualizations
Utilized TS and Vue 3’s generic components to create a reusable and strongly typed codebase
Proposed and worked on adapting the existing backend to a more modern event driven architecture
Set up a custom AWS infrastructure for the new event driven backend using Terraform
Worked with various AWS services, including but not limited to AWS WebSocekts API, SNS, DynamoDB, AWS Lambda functions